This customizable flier features images of a male professional. Use this marketing material to help invite guests to an open house meeting. It is available with a burgundy background, designed to be professionally printed, or a white version that is optimized to be printed at home. Both designs come in A4 and letter size.
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This customizable flier features images of a female professional. Use this marketing material to help invite guests to an open house meeting. It is available with a burgundy background, designed to be professionally printed, or a white version that is optimized to be printed at home. Both designs come in A4 and letter size.
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Refer to these step-by-step instructions on orienting new members to your club.
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This form contains a suggested point system your club can use in selecting its Outstanding Toastmaster or Toastmaster of the Year.
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Peça a cada novo associado que preencha um formulário tipo entrevista para determinar seus objetivos e como pretende alcançá-los.
Esta versão foi atualizada em 11/2019Ver