Club Officer Agreement and Release Statement

This form is to be completed by club officers when elected to set clear expectations and guidelines for their duties. The Club Secretary is responsible for keeping these forms in the club’s records.

This version updated 4/2022

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Club Officer Information

Fill out this form and submit it to World Headquarters to update your club meeting information and/or club officer list.

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Club Officer Installation Script-English

An editable version of the Club Officer Installation Script from the Club Leadership Handbook.

This version updated 05/2022

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Club Status Guide-377A

Use this guide to determine how a club’s status affects different features and areas of the Toastmasters program.

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Communicate Change-Evaluation Resource

This evaluation resource is for the “Communicate Change” project. Use it in your club to evaluate a member completing this project. You can download and complete the resource on your device, or print and complete it by hand. How you choose to complete the evaluation depends on your preference and the preference of the member you are evaluating.

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