Renewal Dues FAQ
I am a club officer, how do I pay dues?Back to Top
Club officers can submit payments using Club Central, by mail or by fax (+1 303-799-7753).
- To pay online, log into Club Central
- All renewing members are preloaded to the Submit Payment tool by World Headquarters
- To include any new, dual, or reinstating members with the renewal payment, first associate their membership to your club using the Add Member button
- To add a member’s dues to your transaction, locate the member from the list of members and select the “Add to Cart” option which appears when you hover over the member’s name.
- When you are ready to pay for all members, click the Membership Cart button
- Review the selected members and their join dates to the club are correct (Please be advised the New Member Fee are not displayed until final transaction screen)
- If the information is incorrect, please adjust accordingly. If the information is correct, select the Continue to Membership Order button.
- Review the information a final time to ensure the proper member, and join dates are selected. Press the Continue to Payment Information button.
- After entering the payment details and reviewing the cart for accuracy, click “Submit Payment” to finalize the transaction
Club officers may also email a renewing member list, applications for any new, dual, and reinstating members to Then, provide payment to Club and Member Support by phone at +1 720-439-5050 ext. 1402.
Club officers are responsible for collecting and submitting member renewal payments twice a year in April and October. If a member wishes to submit their international dues directly to World Headquarters, the club officers can provide written authorization to
Can I get a deadline exception?Back to Top
The Toastmasters Board of Directors has not approved an extension to the October 2021 payment or DCP deadline. The Board will continue to monitor the global situation and updates will be communicated if the deadline is extended.
How can I pay dues for one year?Back to Top
At this time Club Central allows members to pay for the current membership period, and the immediate future membership period. For example in August, members can pay can for the April – September membership period (current membership period) and the following October – March membership period (immediate future membership period) Members would not be able to pay for the following April – September membership period until October 1, when that period becomes the immediate future membership period.
Do I receive a discount for holding active membership in more than one club?Back to Top
There are no discounts for having multiple memberships. Members that hold dual memberships are exposed to extra networking and can present more speeches that help exceed them through their educational and personal goals, faster than a member holding a single membership.
Is there a late fee?Back to Top
Toastmasters International does not impose a late fee penalty.
What happened to the “Grace” period?Back to Top
- In August 2015, the Board of Directors amended Policy 2.0: Club and Membership Eligibility, to more clearly define a member or club in good standing. You may review the minutes of that meeting here.
- The policy changes went into effective July 1, 2016.
Why is/are my new member(s) not appearing on the club roster?Back to Top
- The Club Roster within Club Central displays the members that are currently active in your club. If a new member was added to your club for a future month, they will appear on the roster beginning on the first of that month.
- New members added to your club with a future join date will have access to Base Camp beginning on the first of that month.
Can members pay their own dues online?Back to Top
Using Member Self-Pay, individual members can submit their own membership dues payments on the website if your club has voted to turn this feature on. This feature can be found within the My Home portion of your profile page.
If a club officer is unpaid, what happens to their Club Central access?Back to Top
To facilitate club business, unpaid officers will continue to have access to Club Central for 30 days past the date of when they became unpaid unless an officer has been removed from their role by a majority vote of the club members.
Can I pay for future periods of membership, and how far can I pay in advance?Back to Top
Yes, membership payments can be paid in advance for one (1) additional future renewal period. This means you can submit payment for the current membership period and the immediate next renewal period.
For example: (1) an individual can pay for the current April – September 2023 membership dues and additionally have the option to pay for the upcoming October 2023 – March 2024 renewal dues. The April 2024 renewal period will be available to be paid online on October 1, 2023
Can I pay for future periods online?Back to Top
Online membership payments are limited to the current period and the immediate next renewal period. Once the current period ends, then the future renewal period will become the current one, and the next immediate renewal period will become available to submit payment for.
What if our club has no officers currently on file with World Headquarters?Back to Top
In order for club officers to have access to conduct club business using Club Central, a valid officer list must be on file with World Headquarters. Please email your club officer list, composed of paid members in good standing, to
If your club officers are all unpaid members, please refer to FAQ #1 for instructions on paying dues to World Headquarters directly.
Who can I contact if I need assistance with renewals?Back to Top
If you have any questions about the renewal process, please contact A representative of the Club and Member Support team will contact you as soon as possible. Responses are delayed during peak renewal periods. Please contact us by phone if your inquiry is urgent.
What is the minimum renewal requirement for clubs?Back to Top
Per Policy 2.0: Club and Membership Eligibility, the minimum renewal requirement is eight paid members – at least three of whom were members of the club during the previous renewal period.
When does my club have to pay the minimum renewal requirement to remain in good standing?Back to Top
To remain in good standing, pay the minimum renewal requirement by April 1/October 1. Please also reference question no. 4.
When do I have to pay my dues to remain in good standing and retain access to Base Camp?Back to Top
- Your renewal payment is due twice a year, on April 1 and October 1.
- To remain in good standing and maintain access to Base Camp, your dues payment must be received by World Headquarters on or before September 30/March 31.
- If the September 30/March 31 payment deadlines are not met your Base Camp access will be restored within 24 hours after your payment is processed.
What is the impact to my club if it does not meet the requirements to remain in good standing?Back to Top
- If the club does not meet the October renewal requirement by October 1, or the April renewal requirement by April 1, their status will change from Active to a status of Low or Ineligible.
- Club Status Guide
- Clubs not in good standing are ineligible to cast a vote at district council meetings, the Annual Business Meeting, and are not included in quorum.
- The club has the entire renewal period to return to good standing.
- If the club does not return to good standing prior to the start of the following renewal period, the club is suspended from active status, and all services and membership status for the club and its members are discontinued.
- A suspended club has six months to reinstate, starting from the date of suspension.
- Clubs inactive for two renewal periods are required to be chartered as new clubs, meeting all chartering requirements.
What is the DCP Deadline for partial Goal 10 credit?Back to Top
October 1, 11:59:59 p.m. Mountain Time for the October renewal period, and April 1, 11:59:59 p.m. Mountain Time for the April renewal period.
What is the difference between a reinstating and renewing member?Back to Top
- A renewing member has no break in membership or attendance at club meetings but may neglect to pay dues on time. In October and April, a club officer may assist members with paying their delinquent renewal dues order, returning their status to good standing. This is considered a late payment and not a reinstatement.
- A reinstating member is a member with lapse in their paid membership, and who has had a break in attendance at club meetings. Beyond October and April, the member and the club may decide whether the member will pay their delinquent renewal dues order, or whether they will reapply to join the club (reinstate).
How does a club in good standing address members who have not paid dues for the current renewal period?Back to Top
- It is our recommendation that only members in good standing fill speaking and meeting roles in club meetings. If a member has not submitted their dues for the current period, they have let their membership lapse with the club, and are not considered a member of the club, until such time as they are placed back into good standing.
- Only members in good standing are included in quorum and are eligible to vote in club business matters.