Magazine Feedback Form
Do you have something to say about a particular Toastmaster magazine article or issue? Or maybe you enjoyed a podcast or video in an online article. We want to hear from you! Fill out this form and let us know what you think. This feedback feature is also at the bottom of each article in the online edition.

Corporate Email Signature
Looking for a simple way to promote your club to coworkers and colleagues? You can now share the news of Toastmasters in your corporate signature! Instructions and artwork are available for download from the Resource Library.
International Candidates at District Events
Is an International Officer or Director candidate visiting your District or making a presentation at one of your District events? Please review Policy 9.1: International Campaigns and Elections for guidelines and restrictions. If you have any questions, feel free to contact candidates@toastmasters.org.

Toastmaster Online Magazine
In the January online edition, listen to a podcast interview and watch a video with new Accredited Speaker Forrest Tuff, DTM; discover a go-to checklist for leading a team from International President Margaret Page, DTM; and find samples of club newsletters for inspiration.
Spread the Speechcraft Digital Experience
Did you know you can hold a Speechcraft event that will boost your participants’ confidence and improve their communication, public speaking, and leadership skills—all within the safe Toastmasters environment? In addition, members who become coordinators can earn Distinguished Toastmaster credit. Watch this video to learn more.
Policy Violations Quick Reference Guide
If you need help understanding the next steps when a policy violation occurs, review this Policy Violations Quick Reference Guide. The guide covers the most common questions with regard to the club-, District-, and international-level violations.

2021–2022 Speech Contests
As a reminder for the 2021–2022 speech contest cycle, each District Executive Committee (DEC) chose a contest format of either in-person or online. The format selected by the DEC applies to all Area-, Division-, and District-level contests. For more information, view the FAQ. If your District is conducting speech contests online, review the Online Speech Contest Best Practices document to learn more about the requirements for online speech contests and discover what you can do to help your District and contestants prepare.
Mid-year Training
Throughout the month of January, Toastmasters International will conduct an online training program for 2021–2022 District Directors, Program Quality Directors, and Club Growth Directors. District leaders will develop core leadership skills, share best practices, and network with others from around the globe. Want to expand your skills to facilitate learning and deepen your impact on others? Find out how in this Toastmaster article