Tell Us Your Story!
Do you have a personal essay to share about your Toastmasters experience? Whether you’re a longtime member or have just joined, we’d love to hear from you! Maybe Toastmasters has given you a confidence boost or helped you land a job, or perhaps your newfound speaking skills brought you to a larger stage. You can submit a 700-word, first-person My Turn article and photo to submissions@toastmasters.org.
Convention Countdown
The 2024 International Convention is happening this month, August 14-17. If you haven’t registered for this special centennial celebration, there is still time! Find more information about the agenda, events, and registration on the convention website.
Vote for the Board of Directors Candidates
Don’t forget to vote for the International Officer and Director candidates of your choice at the Annual Business Meeting on August 16. Visit the Toastmasters International website to view the qualifications of each nominee.
Tune In! Meet Convention Keynote Speaker Shawn Ellis
In this episode of The Toastmasters Podcast, renowned motivational speaker Shawn Ellis shares his journey of resilience and adaptability, along with stories of some of the key moments in his life and nuggets of wisdom he has acquired over the years.
Staff The Toastmaster magazine staff is comprised of five editorial team members. Learn more about them on the Staff page.