District Recognition Program FAQ
Can a club base change after July 1?Back to Top
Yes, a club base may be revised any time during the year to reflect clubs that pay their April dues renewals after July 1.
For example, District 99 has 100 clubs on July 1, 2016. On October 5, 2016, two clubs in the district submit their April 2016 dues. As a result, District 99’s club base increases to 102.
To fulfill the first qualifying requirement in the Distinguished Area Program, areas must have no net club loss. What does that mean?Back to Top
Net club loss occurs when the total number of paid clubs in the area at year-end (June 30) falls below the base amount. Clubs that pay April dues after year-end are not counted for that year. If the area expects to experience net club loss, it should work toward recuperating the loss before year-end.
To fulfill the second qualifying requirement in the Distinguished Area Program, how often must the Area Director's Club Visit Report (Item 1471) be submitted?Back to Top
Twice: Areas must submit the Area Director’s Club Visit Report (Item 1471) for 75 percent of their club bases for first-round visits by November 30, and for 75 percent of their club bases for second-round visits by May 31.
When is the Area Success Plan due?Back to Top
While the Area Success Plan isn’t a qualifying requirement for the Distinguished Area Program and is not submitted to World Headquarters, it’s an important tool in meeting the area’s annual and long-term goals and should be shared with other district leaders.
To fulfill the qualifying requirement in the Distinguished Division Program, divisions must have no net club loss. What does that mean?Back to TopNet club loss occurs when the total number of paid clubs in the division at year-end (June 30) falls below the base amount. Clubs that pay April dues after year-end are not counted for that year. If the division expects to experience net club loss, it should work toward recuperating the loss before year-end.
When is the Division Success Plan due?Back to TopWhile the Division Success Plan isn’t a qualifying requirement for the Distinguished Division Program and is not submitted to World Headquarters, it’s an important tool in meeting the division’s annual and long-term goals and should be shared with other district leaders.
The goals of the Distinguished District Program call for net club growth. What does that mean?Back to Top
Net club growth occurs when the total number of paid clubs in the district at year-end (June 30) is greater than the base amount. Clubs that pay April dues after year-end are not counted for that year. If the district expects to experience net club loss, it should work toward surpassing the loss before year-end.
When is the District Success Plan due?Back to Top
To be considered for recognition, districts must submit the District Success Plan to World Headquarters by September 30. The plan may be sent through District Central, by email or by fax +1 303-799-7753.
Who is responsible for submitting the District Success Plan?Back to Top
Ultimately, the district director is responsible for ensuring that the District Success Plan is submitted by September 30. However, the district leadership team works together on the plan, and may be submitted by both the Program Quality Director or Club Growth Director
When is the Division and Area Director Training Report due?Back to Top
To be considered for recognition, districts must submit the Division and Area Director Training Report to World Headquarters by September 30 showing that 85 percent of division and area governors were trained. The report may be sent through District Central, by email or by fax +1 303-799-7753.
Do Select Distinguished and President’s Distinguished Clubs count more than Distinguished Clubs in the District Recognition Program?Back to TopWhile Select Distinguished and President’s Distinguished Clubs do not count more than Distinguished Clubs in the District Recognition Program, members have reason to be proud of the even greater achievement.
Who is responsible for submitting the Division and Area Director Training Report?Back to Top
Ultimately, the district director is responsible for ensuring that all items are submitted by September 30. However, because of the requirements for the Excellence in Education and Training Award, the program quality director often submits the report.
How does the club status impact recognition and club business?Back to Top
Please reference the Club Status Guide to see how the club status affects different areas of the Toastmasters program.
What is a qualifying requirement?Back to Top
A qualifying requirement is a prerequisite or prior condition for participation in the program.
For example, to participate in the Distinguished Area Program, an area must submit the Area Directors’s Club Visit Report (Item 1471) for 75 percent of its club base for the first round of club visits by November 30, and for 75 percent of its club base for the second round of visits by May 31.
Why are the Distinguished District Program qualifying requirements being modified for the 2024-2025 program year?Back to Top
The Board of Directors believes that club growth is a critical success factor for the organization. The District Market Analysis Plan and the District Communication Plan are two resources that were introduced in 2018-2019. When Districts complete these plans, they see a positive impact on their overall performance, including club growth. Additionally, the relationship between District leaders and their Region Advisors can make the difference between achieving District goals or not. These are the reasons why these qualifying requirements were added for the 2024-2025 program year.
Can a district’s membership payments base change after July 1?Back to Top
Yes, dues-renewal payments received after July 1 for the previous program year are counted in the membership payments base. Therefore, the membership payments base may be revised at any time during the year to reflect late membership payments for the previous program year.
For example, District 99 has a membership payments base of 1,000 on July 1, 2016. On October 5, 2016, 50 members in the district submit their April 2016 dues. As a result, District 99’s membership payments base increases to 1,050.
If a member pays her April 2015 dues after June 30, 2015, toward which program year does her membership payment apply?Back to Top
Their membership payment applies toward the 2015–2016 program year Distinguished Performace Reports dashboard. A membership payments base may be revised at any time during the year to reflect late membership payments for the previous program year.
What is meant by a “paid club”?Back to Top
A club must have at least eight members to be considered paid. Of those eight, at least three must renew from the previous term.
How are transfer members’ payments counted in the Distinguished programs?Back to TopTransfer members’ payments count toward the clubs from which they transfer. Their payments do not count toward the clubs into which they transfer. Payments to members’ original clubs are not transferred to their new clubs. The same is true when members transfer from one district to another.
When must materials be submitted to World Headquarters to count toward Distinguished recognition?Back to TopFor the submission of materials to count toward Distinguished recognition, materials must be received by World Headquarters by 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time on the due date, regardless of when it was sent. This means that material that arrives after 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time on the due date does not count toward Distinguished recognition even if it is postmarked before that time.
In order for a club that elects officers annually to meet the ninth DCP goal, must four club officers be trained for each training period?Back to Top
Yes, at least four club officers must be trained during each of two training periods (June 1 to August 31, and December 1 to February 28/29). There are additional considerations for clubs that charter during the program year, in order to achieve this goal. Please reference the DRP manual for more specifics. Added information referencing the changes to goal 9, and where to get more information.
What are the Distinguished District Program qualifying requirements for the 2024-2025 program year?Back to Top
In addition to the submission of the District Success Plan and the Area and Division Director training requirement, the three additional qualifying requirements are:
- Submission of the District Market Analysis Plan by September 30
- Submission of the District Communication Plan by September 30
- A minimum of two (2) meetings between the District and their Region Advisor by May 31
Which club officers can be trained to meet the ninth DCP goal?Back to TopAt least four of any current elected club officers (president, vice president education, vice president membership, vice president public relations, secretary, treasurer, and sergeant at arms) may be trained to meet the ninth DCP goal.