Tips For New Toastmasters
Did you recently join Toastmasters? Welcome to the family! Your club will greet you with open arms, but before that happens, read three tips to help get you started in your public speaking journey.
It’s normal to be a little anxious before your first meeting—we’ve all been there! Here is a sneak peek at what to expect. Or watch the video below.
Once you dive into the education program—the Pathways learning experience—the Ice Breaker will be a speech that you repeat in each path. Discover ideas on how to break the ice—or at least melt it—multiple times. And even if you don’t normally stop and ask for directions, you will need this roadmap for Base Camp to navigate the learning management system.
Speech Preparation
You finally landed on a topic, but now you actually have to write your speech! Unlock the secret to building a great speech with these key tips. Once you’ve compiled the perfect speech, you might be wondering how to best present it. Break through the invisible wall between you and your listeners with “8 Tips For Engaging Your Audience.” (If you want to give your eyes a rest, click the play button below to listen to a Toastmasters Podcast interview with the author.)
When it’s time to step into the spotlight, you might feel those butterflies in your stomach—transform that anxiety into helpful energy with “5 Ways to Calm the Pre-Speech Jitters.”
Club Leadership
So, you decided to take on a club officer role—congratulations! If you need some extra encouragement before stepping up to the plate, here are some useful articles to guide you.
Are you the new Club President? Whether you realize it or not, you will be the one who sets the tone for the whole club. Empower and inspire your fellow members with these techniques for team leaders.
The Vice President Membership role is critical to club success—and it can also be very rewarding. Give your club a growth spurt with these tips and resources. The Sergeant at Arms role requires more than meets the eye. Make a difference in this club officer position by being present and proactive. Maybe you’ve been elected as the Vice President Public Relations and you’re ready to get your club some publicity. Gather advice from past VPPR’s and learn how to best let the world know about your club.
Toastmasters for All
Do you know a college student or faculty member looking to boost their higher education learning? Help them discover their communication skills on campus with the article “Setting Students Up for Success.”
With many clubs meeting online or in a hybrid format, there’s a chance some members could get left behind. Help create a culture of inclusivity so that guests and members with disabilities can actively participate in online meetings. This inclusive club is off to a great start.
With the flexibility to virtually visit clubs all over the world, you have a unique opportunity to practice your second language. Face the fear of speaking in your non-native tongue with “7 Tips to Attend a Bilingual Toastmasters Meeting.”
For the Professional
Whether you’re a seasoned business professional, or just starting out, networking doesn’t have to be hard. Learn how to make connections using your Toastmasters skills in “How to Network Like a Pro.”
Do you want to showcase the skills and achievements you’ve gained through Toastmasters to future employers? Learn how to revamp your resume and stand out among the rest. Once you’ve polished your resume, you’re ready for the interview. Practice these four steps, and you’ll be on your way to giving your strongest interview ever.
Make sure to share your favorite articles with fellow members, friends, and colleagues. Have something to say? Send us your feedback—we’d love to hear from you!
Shannon Dewey is digital strategy and engagement editor for the Toastmaster magazine. Reach her at sdewey@toastmasters.org.
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